VoIP Hurricane Net Securing Operations for Hurricane Sandy


The VoIP Hurricane Net is securing operations for today October 24th at
2200EDT, 0200UTC.

With the passage of Sandy into areas with no Echolink Stations, our
support operations of WX4NHC and the National Hurricane Center will end
for this operational period.

As Sandy emerges off the northern coast of Cuba and into the Bahamas,
the Net Management Team in consultation with WX4NHC-National Hurricane
Center will determine our next operational period of support. WX4NHC is
planning to commence operations tomorrow, October 25th at 1200EDT,
1400UTC. Please monitor this siteĀ for further updates.

Thank you to all stations that supported out operations today. We look
forward to your continuing support and participation through the
duration of Sandy and all future activations of the VoIP Hurricane Net.


Dennis Dura, K2DCD
Assistant Director of Operations
VoIP Hurricane Net


The VoIP Hurricane Net is securing operations for today October 24th at
2200EDT, 0200UTC.

With the passage of Sandy into areas with no Echolink Stations, our
support operations of WX4NHC and the National Hurricane Center will end
for this operational period.

As Sandy emerges off the northern coast of Cuba and into the Bahamas,
the Net Management Team in consultation with WX4NHC-National Hurricane
Center will determine our next operational period of support. WX4NHC is
planning to commence operations tomorrow, October 25th at 1200EDT,
1400UTC. Please monitor this siteĀ for further updates.

Thank you to all stations that supported out operations today. We look
forward to your continuing support and participation through the
duration of Sandy and all future activations of the VoIP Hurricane Net.


Dennis Dura, K2DCD
Assistant Director of Operations
VoIP Hurricane Net

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