Our Weather Net

This site supports the VoIP SKYWARN and Hurricane Nets which we operate by combining both the Echolink and IRLP linked repeater networks, thus providing for more efficient and effective utilization of our available resources while handling critical wide area communications during major severe weather events. The VoIP SKYWARN/Hurricane Preparation Net meets on the first Saturday of each month at 8 PM Eastern Time during the non-hurricane season months of January through May and 7 PM Eastern Time in the month of December. During the Atlantic Hurricane Season months from June to November, the net meets weekly at 8 PM Eastern Time. For the weekly net and net activations for hurricanes, we use the EchoLink *WX_TALK* Conference server Node #:7203 which is integrated with IRLP Reflector 9219. There are several backup VoIP integrated conference systems available if our primary system fails. Please see the Our WX Net link in the main menu for details on those backup conference systems. Please check in with us or at least monitor if you are able. To stay abreast of any new wx developments you may want to monitor this NET during hurricanes and possibly any other major severe weather events.

Running a well coordinated net such as this one requires several participants for optimal efficiency and effectiveness due to the number of potential attendees. Not only does each net have a primary Net Control Operator, but also a backup NCO and both the EchoLink WX-TALK Conference and IRLP Reflector 9219 have standby Net Monitors to control link management and additionally, a liaison station is in place to assist in passing traffic to the partner government agencies.

In the event that IRLP Reflector 9219 and the EchoLink WX-TALK conference is down, we will utilize EchoLink Conference *VKEMCOMM*, EchoLink Node #:270177 and IRLP Reflector 9553 system. A third backup is the New England Network which is the *NEW-ENG3* Conference Server, Node #:9123 and IRLP Reflector 9123. The same system for net monitors to control link management and a liaison station to assist in passing traffic to served government agencies would exist on these backup systems.

We like to spread NCO duties around for our weekly Prep Nets to allow as many operators as possible to become accustomed to running these nets in preparation for a real activation. It also allows new NCO’s to learn how to run nets over a linked system using VoIP.

Our Weekly VoIP Skywarn/Hurricane Prep Net is held each on Sunday 0000 UTC, which is Saturday Evening for most of North America. You may join us by connecting to the EchoLink WX-TALK conference server, IRLP Reflector 9219 or to one of the backup systems if the main one goes down.

To learn more about the efforts of the VoIP Hurricane Net, join the VOIP-WXNET Groups.io page to keep informed and learn more about the use of EchoLink and IRLP for hurricanes and other weather and disaster related situations.