2010 WX4NHC On Air Communications Test Results
Hello to all..
The following was written by Assistant WX4NHC Coordinator, WD4R-Julio Ripoll on the 2010 WX4NHC Communications Test. This was also featured on the ARRL web site and newsletter publications. The link to the web article is listed below as well as the report is also listed below:
As we prepare for one of the most active hurricane seasons predicted since 2005, we hope we can count on your help in relaying Hurricane Advisories and weather data to those in the affected areas. The Surface reports received from the affected areas help the Hurricane Specialists fill in gaps in their meteorological data and help with their forecasts and relaying the Hurricane Advisories to those who lost conventional means of getting that information can help save lives.
Press Release: From WX4NHC, Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center Miami, Florida
WX4NHC Hurricane Season 2010 On-The-Air Station Test Results
The WX4NHC Amateur Radio Station celebrates its 30th year of continuous public service at NHC.
On Saturday, May 29th, 2010, WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center conducted its annual On-The-Air Station Test to promote awareness of the 2010 Hurricane Season and to verify station equipment performance on many frequencies and modes that are used to communicate with stations in the affected area during hurricanes.
WX4NHC was on the air for 8 hours and made 142 contacts with stations in the U.S., Caribbean, Central and South America. Most contacts made on HF were done using Phone (Single Sideband) on the Hurricane Watch Net frequency of 14.325 MHz and on the Waterway Net 40 meter frequency of 7.268 MHz and even three dozen contacts on 15 meters 21.325 MHz.
Hello to all..
The following was written by Assistant WX4NHC Coordinator, WD4R-Julio Ripoll on the 2010 WX4NHC Communications Test. This was also featured on the ARRL web site and newsletter publications. The link to the web article is listed below as well as the report is also listed below:
As we prepare for one of the most active hurricane seasons predicted since 2005, we hope we can count on your help in relaying Hurricane Advisories and weather data to those in the affected areas. The Surface reports received from the affected areas help the Hurricane Specialists fill in gaps in their meteorological data and help with their forecasts and relaying the Hurricane Advisories to those who lost conventional means of getting that information can help save lives.
Press Release: From WX4NHC, Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center Miami, Florida
WX4NHC Hurricane Season 2010 On-The-Air Station Test Results
The WX4NHC Amateur Radio Station celebrates its 30th year of continuous public service at NHC.
On Saturday, May 29th, 2010, WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center conducted its annual On-The-Air Station Test to promote awareness of the 2010 Hurricane Season and to verify station equipment performance on many frequencies and modes that are used to communicate with stations in the affected area during hurricanes.
WX4NHC was on the air for 8 hours and made 142 contacts with stations in the U.S., Caribbean, Central and South America. Most contacts made on HF were done using Phone (Single Sideband) on the Hurricane Watch Net frequency of 14.325 MHz and on the Waterway Net 40 meter frequency of 7.268 MHz and even three dozen contacts on 15 meters 21.325 MHz.
We also made contacts using HF and VHF APRS (Automatic Positioning Reporting System) and Local Miami-Dade and Broward County VHF and UHF Repeaters. Many reports were also received via our on-line Hurricane Reporting Form and email.
The VoIP Hurricane Net conducted a two hour simulated Hurricane Net on EchoLink (WX_TALK conference) and IRLP (node 9219) using the same methods of collecting data and forwarding data to WX4NHC during hurricanes with great success. We extend special thanks to Rob Macedo KD1CY, and the VoIP Hurricane Net Controls for their dedication and continued support. Bill Read KB5FYA, Director of the National Hurricane Center, personally made most of the contacts on the EchoLink Net and was very happy to hear from many Skywarn and NWS volunteers.
We appreciate the help from our friends in the Caribbean in preparation of this year’s Hurricane Season, especially Angel Santana WP3GW which actually got an announcement of the WX4NHC Exercise on Puerto Rico’s Univision’s TV channel 11.
Interesting Contacts:
After Bill Read KB5FYA completed more than one hour making EchoLink Net contacts; Miguel Parages KG9C, John McHugh K4AG and Julio Ripoll WD4R, took a break from the radios to discuss our recent HH2/WX4NHC Ham Radio volunteer mission for the University of Miami/Medishare Field Hospital in Haiti and the roles that our WX4NHC members played in this important humanitarian mission. We had left our main HF radio playing softly in the background on 14.325 MHz and by coincidence during our discussion we heard Jean-Robert HH2JR come on frequency. His ears must have been burning! This was a very pleasant surprise and we all took turns thanking Jean-Robert for the support he gave HH2/WX4NHC teams during their 5 week mission in Haiti and the support he gave us to obtain the necessary reciprocal license and operating permissions.
Antenna Maintenance:
During our test, we inspected our antenna farm and repaired one of our back-up antennas; Yaesu HF broadband folded dipole. Years of South Florida sun and humidity had taken its toll on the rope and center plastic mounting plate. All other 6 HF, VHF & UHF antennas passed our tests and are ready for this Hurricane Season.
Thanks from WX4NHC.
The WX4NHC Coordinators and Operators extend their thanks to all Ham Radio operators that participated in our Annual Station Test and look forward to your continued support during the hurricane season.
WX4NHC Operators that participated during this event:
Mike Davis, AF4VJ
John McHugh, K4AG
Miguel Parages, KG9C
Bill Read, KB5FYA
Julio Ripoll, WD4R
Al Wolfe, WB4L
Suzie Wolfe, WX2L
WX4NHC, a team of volunteer Amateur Radio operators, are very proud to have maintained an active Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center for the past 30 years.
Our mission: To Help Save Lives.
WX4NHC QSL card is available via WD4R, please SASE.
For more information about Ham Radio and Hurricanes:
Pictures from the 2010 WX4NHC On Air Communications Test:
Julio Ripoll Architect WD4R
WX4NHC Amateur Radio Asst. Coordinator
National Hurricane Center