Reminder: Monthly VoIP Hurricane Prep Net for April 2009 and Net Training Topic

Hello to all…

A reminder that the Monthly VoIP Hurricane Prep Net will be Saturday April 4th at 8 PM EDT/0000 UTC. Please note the time change due to Daylight Saving Time here in the US so the net is now at 8 PM EDT/7PM CDT/6 PM MDT/5 PM PDT. For this month, we will have one presentation on the Australian Bushfires of 2009 known in Australia as “Black Saturday”. The presentation is small in size and should be easily viewable on any Internet connection. For best results, please download the presentations to your computer for viewing even though the size of the presentation is small. The presentation can be seen at either one of the following links:

The presentation will be archived and a recording of the net made for those that cannot be on the net this evening. Since I will be traveling to the National Hurricane Conference and unable to be on the net this evening, I’d like to request some of the net members to record the net and email me a location of where the recording is so I can upload it to the web site. We hope many folks will be able to check-in and listen to the net this evening and if they can’t that they will check out the presentation and recording of the net when they have time. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net


Hello to all…

A reminder that the Monthly VoIP Hurricane Prep Net will be Saturday April 4th at 8 PM EDT/0000 UTC. Please note the time change due to Daylight Saving Time here in the US so the net is now at 8 PM EDT/7PM CDT/6 PM MDT/5 PM PDT. For this month, we will have one presentation on the Australian Bushfires of 2009 known in Australia as “Black Saturday”. The presentation is small in size and should be easily viewable on any Internet connection. For best results, please download the presentations to your computer for viewing even though the size of the presentation is small. The presentation can be seen at either one of the following links:

The presentation will be archived and a recording of the net made for those that cannot be on the net this evening. Since I will be traveling to the National Hurricane Conference and unable to be on the net this evening, I’d like to request some of the net members to record the net and email me a location of where the recording is so I can upload it to the web site. We hope many folks will be able to check-in and listen to the net this evening and if they can’t that they will check out the presentation and recording of the net when they have time. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net


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