Tropical Storm Alberto and Atlantic Tropical Update – Thursday 6/20/24 – 830 AM ET

Hello to all…

The following is a Tropical Storm Alberto and Atlantic Tropical Update that we wanted to provide ahead of Amateur Radio Field Day weekend and given the fact the VoIP Hurricane Prep net is canceled due to Amateur Radio Field Day weekend.

Tropical Storm Alberto formed out of Potential Tropical Cyclone-1 yesterday and has made landfall in Northeast Mexico. Alberto remained below hurricane strength as expected but has caused flooding from rainfall, coastal flooding at the coast and pockets of wind damage. This was handled at the local/regional level by ARES/AUXCOMM/SKYWARN groups and equivalent groups in Mexico. Alberto is expected to dissipate over the mountains of Northeast Mexico in the next 24 hours.

Elsewhere in the Atlantic Tropics, another system behind Alberto will be in the Southwest Gulf of Mexico in the Bay of Campeche and has a low 20% chance of becoming a tropical depression in 48 hours and a medium 50% chance of becoming a depression in 7 days. This will bear watching as we get into later this weekend and early next week. Another low pressure area in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean has a 40% chance of development in 48 hours and in 7 days as it approaches the East Georgia and Northeast Florida coasts and a recon plane will investigate this system if necessary today. This low pressure is expected to go over land on Friday preventing further development.

The Atlantic Tropical Weather Outlook that covers these areas of disturbed weather can be seen on the web site under Atlantic Tropical Products, via our voipwxnet Facebook and Twitter feeds and via the National Hurricane Center (NHC) web site at the following link:

The VoIP Hurricane Net Management Team continues to monitor all developments in the Tropics. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

National Hurricane Center (NHC) Issuing Advisories on Potential Tropical Cyclone-1 (PTC-1) in the Southwest Gulf of Mexico

Hello to all…

The National Hurricane Center has started issuing “Potential Tropical Cyclone” advisories on the area of disturbed weather in the Southwest Gulf of Mexico. If this area of disturbed weather becomes better organized, it could become the first Tropical Storm of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season. If it were to become a tropical storm, it would be named Alberto. Tropical Storm Watches are now posted for portions of the Texas and Northeastern Mexico coast line. Advisories on PTC-1 can be seen off the main menu of the VoIP Hurricane Net web site under Atlantic Tropical Products, via the voipwxnet Facebook and Twitter Social media feeds or the National Hurricane Center web site via the following link:

At this time, this area of disturbed weather is expected to be a fairly weak tropical storm so no activation of the VoIP Hurricane Net is currently anticipated, however, the science of how systems intensify and weaken is not exact and so the VoIP Hurricane Net management team will closely monitor the progress of this system for changes. People living in the Tropical Storm Watch area should prepare for flooding issues as heavy rain is expected to cause flooding and some strong winds could bring scattered power outages. ARES, SKYWARN and AUXCOMM groups in the area and equivalent Amateur Radio groups in Mexico should seek advice from local/regional leadership on any activation and support at that level.

The VoIP Hurricane Net management team will continue to closely monitor developments in the Tropics. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

Atlantic Tropical Update – Sunday Evening 6/16/24 & VoIP Hurricane Prep Net – Saturday 6/22/24 Cancelled for Field Day Weekend

Hello to all…

The Atlantic Tropics have a couple areas of disturbed weather being monitored, one of which has a high chance of development in the southwest Gulf of Mexico within 7 days and the other area of disturbed weather north of the Central Bahamas as a low chance of development. Both areas of disturbed weather will be monitored by the VoIP Hurricane Net Management Team. Atlantic Tropical updates can be found off the main menu of the web site, via our voipwxnet Facebook/Twitter feeds or via the National Hurricane Center web site at the following link:

The VoIP Hurricane Prep Net for Saturday 6/22/24 will be canceled due to Field Day weekend. If one of the areas of disturbed weather were to become a hurricane and threaten a land area, the VoIP Hurricane Net would activate as needed to support WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center. The VoIP Hurricane Net Management team will continue to monitor the Tropics for any development. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

Start of 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season – VoIP Hurricane Prep Net Shifts to Weekly Saturday Nets

Hello to all..

Saturday June 1st, 2024 marks the start of the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season. The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season is expected to be a well above normal to record breaking season per the NOAA/National Hurricane Center and Colorado State University outlooks among others. To mark the start of Atlantic Hurricane Season, the National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center in Miami FL will issue advisories on named systems, Tropical Storm and Hurricane Watches and Warnings when a system threatens a land area, Tropical Cyclone Updates on named systems and Tropical Weather Outlooks for potential areas of tropical cyclone development. Their suite of products and tropical system names are listed in their first couple of tropical weather outlooks and the link from 8 AM EDT – Saturday June 1st Tropical Weather Outlook is listed below:

The VoIP Hurricane Prep Net has shifted to weekly beginning with the Saturday June 1st, 2024 Net at 8 PM EDT/7 PM CDT/0000 UTC. We welcome all those who wish to participate in the net and we are looking for net controls both for the weekly net as well as net activations for landfalling hurricanes. If you are interested, contact Rob-KD1CY at for more information.

The VoIP Hurricane Net Management Team will closely monitor developments in the Atlantic Tropics. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

UPDATED Livestream Info: 2024 National Hurricane Conference Amateur Radio Hybrid Workshop – Tuesday 3/26/24 – 130-500 PM EDT

Hello to all…

2024 National Hurricane Conference Amateur Radio Workshop information is listed below and will be updated with YouTube livestream info in the next week:

Amateur Radio will again be represented at the 2024 National Hurricane Conference which will be held this year in Orlando Florida ( This year, the workshop will be done both live at the conference and over a livestream so this will be a “hybrid workshop”. The conference theme is to improve hurricane preparedness as it has been in past years. After the workshop is completed, the Amateur Radio Workshop will be uploaded to Youtube for those that can’t attend the sessions live. For 2024, all the Amateur Radio sessions will be on Tuesday March 26th, 2024 from 130-300 PM EDT and from 330-500 PM EDT. Here is the session breakdown:

NHC Session #1 – 130 PM-300 PM EDT: John Cangialosi, Senior Hurricane Specialist, from the National Hurricane Center will also present on the importance of Amateur Radio surface reporting. Bob Robichaud-VE1MBR from the Canadian Hurricane Centre will provide a video on a Canadian Hurricane Centre Overview and a few meteorological topics via a video recording. Julio Ripoll-WD4R will present WX4NHC Operations and Bobby Graves-KB5HAV will present an overview on the Hurricane Watch Net (HWN).

NHC Session #2: 330 PM-500 PM EDT: Rob Macedo-KD1CY will present on the VoIP Hurricane Net and best practices in SKYWARN Tropical Systems presentation, Joe Bassett-W1WCN will provide a SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Response Radio Network) overview video. Josh Johnston-KE5MHV will give an ARRL update and K1CE-Rick Palm will present on his personal Hurricane Idalia experience. This will be followed by a Q & A session and raffle prizes will be offered.

Amateur Radio presentations will be recorded and posted to Youtube after the workshop within the month of April. The Amateur Radio presentations will also be livestreamed via Youtube as a best effort. It is noted that Internet connectivity can be a challenge at hotel locations for livestreaming but we will do our best to livestream the workshop but please note technical difficulties could affect the livestream so please be patient if you watch the livestream and we will have recordings available post workshop. The YouTube livestream link is:

2024 National Hurricane Conference Presenters and Moderator:
• Moderator: Rob Macedo, KD1CY, VoIP Hurricane Net
• John Cangialosi, Senior Hurricane Specialist, National Hurricane Center
• Special guest speaker Bob Robichaud, VE1MBR, Canadian Hurricane Center
• Special guest speaker Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, Director of Emergency Management, ARRL HQ
• Julio Ripoll, WD4R, WX4NHC Assistant Amateur Radio Station Coordinator
• Bobby Graves, KB5HAV, Hurricane Watch Net (HWN) Manager
• Joe Bassett, W1WCN, SATERN, Salvation Army Team Emergency Response Radio Network
• Rick Palm, K1CE, ARRL ARES E-Letter Editor/Public Service Columnist
• Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Director of Operations, VoIP Hurricane Net & ARRL ARES Eastern Mass SEC
• Jim Palmer, KB1KQW, VoIP Hurricane Net (Videographer)

Detailed Schedule Outline – All Times (Eastern Daylight Time):
130-135 PM: Opening Remarks
135-210 PM: Hurricane Surface Reports and 2023 Season Review (John Cangialosi)
210-220 PM: Canadian Hurricane Centre Overview and Meteorological Topics Video (VE1MBR-Bob R)
220-250 PM: WX4NHC Amateur Radio Station at the National Hurricane Center (WD4R)
250-310 PM: HWN Overview (KB5HAV)
310-330 PM: Break
330-400 PM: VoIP Hurricane Net Overview & Best Practices in SKYWARN for Tropical Systems (KD1CY)
400-410 PM: SATERN – Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network Overview Video (W1WCN)
410-430 PM: ARRL Update (KE5MHV)
430-450 PM: Florida Hurricane Response & His Personal Hurricane Idalia Story (K1CE)
450-500 PM: Moderated Q & A session and Panel Discussion (All)
500-510 PM: Door Prizes (All)

We hope folks can attend the conference live and in person for those in and around the Orlando FL area or attending the conference and that those outside of the area can participate in the livestream. For those can’t see it live, the workshop video will be posted online via Youtube within a week or two after the conference if not sooner.

Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD) 2023 on the *WX_TALK* Echolink Conference Node: 7203/IRLP 9219 System – Saturday 12/2/23 0000-2400 UTC

Hello to all..

SKYWARN Recognition Day is Saturday December 3rd, 2022 from 0000-2400 UTC (Friday Evening 12/1/23 from 700 PM ET-Saturday Evening 12/2/23 at 700 PM ET) and Echolink and IRLP will be playing a role in SRD as it has in past years. SKYWARN Recognition Day is an opportunity for National Weather Service Forecast Offices across the United States to thank SKYWARN Spotters for their efforts in obtaining timely severe weather reporting for the protection of life and property. This is the SKYWARN program’s main mission.

EchoLink and IRLP are just a couple of modes people can utilize to contact NWS offices during SKYWARN Recognition Day. Also, there are other modes that will be available on the *WX_TALK* Echolink conference node: 7203/IRLP 9219 reflector system via the sunflower network. Those additional modes from the Sunflower network are listed below:

Allstar 28848
Echolink KC5FM-R 906281
Hamshack Hotline 94032
DMR TGIF 31207
P25 31207
Yaesu Fusion 31207
M17-SUN module A

For 2023 SRD, more NWS offices will be on the air live from their local NWS offices and some may also maintain a virtual/hybrid component where offices may be active at their actual office as well as from home/other locations at different times or simultaneously. Similar to the last couple of years, you can operate with your personal call-sign as NWS coordinator or some may elect to use the NWS Call-Sign and state they are portable. WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center, did a combined approach of live office and remote/hybrid operations for the 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season. Many NWS offices will be on 2 Meters, 440 MHz, HF and other VHF/UHF bands.

EchoLink and IRLP are just a couple of modes people can utilize to contact NWS offices during SKYWARN Recognition Day. Many NWS offices will be on 2 Meters, 440 MHz, HF and other VHF/UHF bands. Additional details on SKYWARN Recognition Day including a registration link opened up to all Amateurs given the new SRD format can be found via the following link:

This year’s Google registration form also auto-issues SRD Numbers to non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN Spotters. For this year, SRD numbers will only be issued for non-Amateur Radio SKYWARN spotters. The form can be found off the SKYWARN Recognition Day web site and can be see at the link below:

Similar to past years, there is also a GIS Spotter Mapper where NWS office Amateur Radio Operations and spotters can be mapped. The registration form for the mapper is different from the google registration form for registering as GIS cannot do some of the things that the GIS spotter mapper can do. Link to the spotter mapper registration form can be seen here:

Also, there is a SRD Facebook group created. Those with Facebook can join it at the following link:

The ARRL has posted the SRD’23 information via their weekly ARRL Letter and ARES E-Letter. The SRD article is listed below: (ARRL Letter) (ARES Letter)

For 2023, the EchoLink *WX_TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP reflector 9219 system will be scheduling time for NWS offices or SKYWARN Coordinators with specific NWS office time slots to act as a net control to make contacts with spotters that are on the system. If a NWS office/SKYWARN Coordinator runs out of contacts and there are other NWS offices/SKYWARN Coordinators on the system, the NWS office acting as net control can turn it over to a different NWS office or SKYWARN Coordinator to act as a net control on the system at their discretion. You can also reach the network via Allstar 28848 and Hamshack Hotline 94032.

We’d like to ask NWS offices/SKYWARN Coordinators to do their best to adhere to the schedule. Sometimes this is difficult due to the number of contacts received by NWS offices/SKYWARN Coordinators. We ask for everyone’s patience and work cooperatively to respect the time slot schedule.

Below is the current 2023 SRD Schedule with NWS offices that have confirmed their time slot from last year. We will attempt to update this one more time on Friday with any updates:

Time in UTC NWS Office Call-Sign
0000-0100: N0NWS (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0100-0200: WX1GYX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0200-0300: WX7SLC (Time slot from last year)
0300-0400: WX4HUN (New time slot for this year)
0400-0500: WX1BOX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0500-0600: Open
0600-0700: WX4HUN (Time slot from last year)
0700-0800: WX8APX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0800-0900: WX8APX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
0900-1000: Open
1000-1100: WX7SLC (Time slot from last year)
1100-1200: WX1GYX (Time slot from last year)
1200-1300: Open
1300-1400: WX7SLC (Time slot from last year)
1400-1500: WX1AW (Time slot from last year)
1500-1600: WX1BOX (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1600-1700: WX4NC (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1700-1800: WX4JKL (Time slot confirmed for this year)
1800-1900: N2KDX @ WX2PHI (New Time Slot for this year)
1900-2000: WX1GYX (New Time slot for this year)
2000-2100: WX4JKL (Time slot confirmed for this year)
2100-2300: WX4NHC (Time slot confirmed for this year)
2300-2400: Open

Here will be other conference systems utilized for SKYWARN Recognition Day. They are as follows:

The New England Reflector Gateway System will be utilized by SKYWARN Coordinators from New England from 0000-0500 UTC and 1200-2400 UTC. The New England Gateway system is on EchoLink Conference server *NEW-ENG3* Node: 9123, IRLP reflector 9123. If other SKYWARN Coordinators and NWS offices would like to join the system, they are welcome to do so and participants in SKYWARN Recognition Day can also use that system to make contact with various NWS offices. This is a great place to move off the *WX_TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP 9219 system after your scheduled time if other Amateurs or NWS offices wish to make contact with you.

Also, the Western Reflector will be having NWS offices calling CQ as in past years and have multiple reflector channels and Echolink conferences available. There is reflector 9250/Echolink Conference *HI-GATE* node: 357564, IRLP 9251 and the *WORLD* Echolink Conference node: 479886, IRLP 9257/*DCF-ARC* Echolink Conference node: 336037 and IRLP 9258/EchoLink Conference *NV-GATE* Node: 152566 open for NWS offices.

A few technical reminders for folks interested in making contacts with the NWS Forecast Offices on the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP 9219 and New England Reflector Gateway IRLP 9123/*NEW-ENG3* Echolink Node: 9123 systems:

-The system allows both EchoLink and IRLP connections. For EchoLink users, you connect to the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203 conference system. For IRLP users, you would connect to IRLP reflector 9219. It is possible we will have DMR/D-STAR and other modes directly linked on the system. This will be updated in the next few days regarding that aspect.

-If you are using EchoLink, the RF node or PC that you’re using must have EchoLink conferencing disabled. If it is not disabled, the system will automatically kick the node or PC off of the system. The reason this occurs is to prevent unintentional interference from a conferencing station that may not know the node is connected somewhere else. This will keep traffic moving on the net and reduce interference considerably.

For more information on VoIP Technical Configuration Tips, please go to our web site at where we have a link to that information on the main menu of the web site. This announcement will also be on the web site.

We are looking forward to another fun SKYWARN Recognition Day on the *WX-TALK* Node: 7203/IRLP reflector 9219 system, New England Reflector Gateway system and Western Reflector system. Thanks to all for their support!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net
ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Boston/Norton Massachusetts
Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator

VoIP Hurricane Prep Net for Saturday 11/25/23 Canceled & December 2nd, 2023 Net at 7 PM ET/0000 UTC Immediately Following SRD’2023

Hello to all…

As stated on the Saturday 11/18/23 VoIP Hurricane Net, the Saturday 11/25/23 VoIP Hurricane Net is canceled in observance of the long US Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Our last VoIP Hurricane Prep Net of 2023 will be on Saturday December 2nd, 2023, one hour earlier at 7 PM EST, 0000 UTC, immediately following SKYWARN Recognition Day (SRD)’2023 as we have done traditionally. Further information on SRD’2023 will be posted via our email list and as a web post on the email list over the next couple of days.

We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks to all for continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

VoIP Hurricane Net Post Hurricane Norma & Hurricane Tammy Activation Report – Saturday 10/21/23

Hello to all…

The VoIP Hurricane Net was active on Saturday 10/21/23 from 700 AM EDT-900 PM EDT for Hurricane Norma in the Eastern Pacific affecting the Baja California Sur peninsula of Mexico and Hurricane Tammy affecting the Northern Leeward Islands in the Atlantic. A huge thank you to our Net Control team which included K2DCD-Dennis, KC5FM-Lloyd, KB9LXH-Joe, KO4UMQ-Woody and KD1CY-Rob for their efforts on Saturday. Approximately 30 volunteer hours were logged by the Net Controls and Net Management team in preparing and executing this Hurricane Net activation.

While no direct contact with Amateur Radio Operators in the affected area occurred, our strategy of monitoring online weather stations and social media generated numerous reports particularly from Hurricane Norma but also from Hurricane Tammy. Weather stations in Cabo San Lucas reported wind gusts as high as 83 MPH with over 11″ of rain. Social media images of downed trees and wires around the Baja California Peninsula of Mexico were also received.

Later in the day with Hurricane Tammy in the Northern Leeward Islands, images of downed trees and flooding from Guadeloupe along with an unofficial report of a weather station at a hospital in Barbuda of sustained hurricane force conditions were also received. Over 30 reports were generated by the team with several observations used in National Hurricane Center advisories and discussions. The report viewer with the link of reports can be seen at the following link:

We appreciate those that monitored and those that executed this net activation. As we enter the offseason, we will look for continued ways to improve Amateur Radio direct and relayed information from these affected areas for future hurricanes. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

VoIP Hurricane Net Will Activate Saturday Morning 10/21/23 7 AM EDT through 11 PM EDT Saturday Evening for Hurricane Tammy

Hello to all..

**VoIP Hurricane Net will activate at 7 AM EDT Saturday Morning and will remain active potentially through 11 PM EDT Saturday Evening for Hurricane Tammy and its potentially significant impacts across the Northern Leeward Islands supporting WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center in Miami Florida.**
**WX4NHC will also be active with their Amateur Radio Station on Saturday.**
**The VoIP Hurricane Prep Net for Saturday 10/21/23 at 800 PM EDT is canceled.**

Here are the VoIP Hurricane Net Plans for Hurricane Tammy as of Friday 10/20/23 at 1140 AM EDT:

VoIP Hurricane Net will activate at 7 AM EDT Saturday Morning and will remain active potentially through 11 PM EDT Saturday Evening for Hurricane Tammy and its potentially significant impacts across the Northern Leeward Islands supporting WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center in Miami Florida. WX4NHC will also be active with their Amateur Radio Station on Saturday.

Any Amateur Radio Operators in the affected area of Tammy or with relays into the affected area of Tammy are asked to provide surface and damage reports into the VoIP Hurricane Net for relay into WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center. We appreciate any and all support from Amateur Operators in the affected area or Amateur Operators with relays into the affected area. We are looking for reports based on the National Weather Service SKYWARN Reporting criteria. This can be seen on the VoIP Hurricane Net web site at the following link:

Any pictures or videos of wind damage, river/stream/urban/storm surge flooding etc. can be sent to our voipwxnet Facebook and Twitter feeds or the following email address: and credit will be given to the Amateur Radio Operator, weather spotter or individual that took the photos and media and be shared with the Amateur Radio team at the National Hurricane Center and other agencies and outlets.

Advisories on Tammy can be seen off of the Atlantic Tropical Products menu selection on the voipwxnet web site, via our Facebook and Twitter feeds, and off the National Hurricane Center web site via the following link:

Reports as obtained via the VoIP Hurricane Net from Amateur Radio Operators in the affected area, relays from the affected area or from APRS/CWOP Weather Station feeds and other social media outlets can be found at the following link:

APRS, Winlink, AllStar, Hamshack Hotline resources that can be monitored are as follows:
APRS kc5fm-9
Winlink KC5FM
Allstar 28848
Echolink KC5FM-R 906281
Hamshack Hotline 94032
DMR TGIF 31207
P25 31207
Yaesu Fusion 31207
M17-SUN module A

Stations outside the affected area that do not have relays into the affected area who would like to listen into the VoIP Hurricane Net can use any of the following systems for listen-only purposes and can connect on either Echolink or IRLP:
*NEW-ENG3* Echolink conference node: 9123/IRLP 9123
*SKY_GATE* Echolink conference node: 868981/IRLP 9252
*KC4QLP-C* Echolink conference node: 290251
*ARERT* Echolink conference node: 902723
*WASH_DC* Echolink conference node: 6154

These two streaming audio feeds should be available. Those streaming audio feeds are as follows:
Streaming feed 1: -Provided by KC4QLP-Bob Carter
Streaming feed 2: -Provided by the ARERT conference owners and sysops

Please note that there could be additional listen only nodes and streaming feeds. If time allows, this info will be updated via the voipwxnet web site and social media feeds.

The VoIP Hurricane Net Management team continues to closely watch Hurricane Tammy. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

VoIP Hurricane Net Activation for Hurricane/Post Tropical Cyclone Lee Secured on Saturday 9/16/23 at 200 PM EDT – Atlantic Tropical Update – Sunday 9/17/23 – 930 AM EDT

Hello to all…

The VoIP Hurricane Net activation for Hurricane/Post Tropical Cyclone Lee was secured on Saturday 9/16/23 at 200 PM EDT. The Canadian Maritimes and portions of Downeast Maine were hit hardest by Lee with over 120,000 without power in Nova Scotia Canada, over 35,000 without power in New Brunswick Canada and nearly 95,000 without power in Maine. The highest wind gust recorded was 93 MPH at Long Point Eddy Lighthouse on Grand Manan Island and was a report this net gave to the WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center, and was used in the Saturday 11 AM Advisory. The Halifax Nova Scotia Airport had a 72 MPH wind gust with Lee. In Maine, numerous reports of wind damage were received via email from SKYWARN Coordinators in Maine and sent to WX4NHC via email along with reports from various weather stations in the state of Maine.

In Eastern Massachusetts, tropical storm force conditions occurred on the Cape and Islands with the highest wind gust of 63 MPH recorded in Dennis, Massachusetts, a 60 MPH wind gust recorded in Eastham, MA and a 55 MPH gust with sustained winds of 44 MPH via the M.V. Selkie in Polpis Harbor – Nantucket Island. Isolated pockets of tree and power line damage caused over 3,000 customers to lose power in Massachusetts largely on the Cape and Islands. Several reports from the New England SKYWARN programs were used in the NHC advisories at 8, 11 AM and 5 PM EDT. The report viewer of reports from Lee can be seen at the following link:

A total of 63 report submissions were sent in over the course of the Lee activation. Thanks to K2DCD-Dennis, KC5FM-Lloyd and KB9LXH-Joe for supporting net control duties during this period. They provided 18 hours of net control volunteer hour duties combined and with Dennis’, Lloyd and the rest of the management team’s preparatory work to contact the regions affected by Lee, its estimated that about 35 total volunteer hours were completed by the net controls and net management team members. We are grateful to the Canadian stations that checked into our net and to those across New England who provided their reports via various means into the VoIP Hurricane Net. We hope power is restored into these areas ASAP.

Elsewhere in the tropics, Tropical Storm Margot is weakening and expected to become post tropical over the open waters of the Atlantic. Tropical Storm Nigel is strengthening and will become a hurricane but remain over the open waters of the Atlantic and no threat to land. A tropical wave is expected to move off the west coast of Africa and has a 40% chance to develop into a tropical depression in 7 days. It will remain in the open Atlantic and no threat to land over this period. This system will be monitored as it develops. Advisories and National Hurricane Center Tropical Weather Outlook information can be seen off the Atlantic Tropical Products menu of the web site, via the voipwxnet Facebook/Twitter feeds or at the National Hurricane Center web site at the following link:

The VoIP Hurricane Net Management Team will continue to monitor all developments in the Tropics. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net

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