VoIP Hurricane Net Will Activate Friday 7/5/24 7 AM EDT through 12 PM EDT for Hurricane Beryl

Hello to all..

**Happy Independence Day to all! We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and enjoys a great holiday weekend.**
**VoIP Hurricane Net will be in a speaker/listening watch mode starting at 5 AM EDT Friday Morning and then activate at 7 AM EDT Friday Morning until 12 PM EDT Friday for Hurricane Beryl and its potentially significant impacts across the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico supporting WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center in Miami Florida. An additional activation is possible for the Gulf Coast of Mexico and/or Texas Sunday into Monday.**
**WX4NHC will also be active with their Amateur Radio Station as well**

Here are the VoIP Hurricane Net Plans for Hurricane Beryl as of Thursday 7/4/24 at 930 PM EDT:

VoIP Hurricane Net will be in a speaker/listening watch mode starting at 5 AM EDT Friday Morning and then activate at 7 AM EDT Friday Morning until 12 PM EDT Friday for Hurricane Beryl and its potentially significant impacts across the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico supporting WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center in Miami Florida. An additional activation is possible for the Gulf Coast of Mexico and/or Texas Sunday into Monday. WX4NHC will also be active with their Amateur Radio Station as well.

Any Amateur Radio Operators in the affected area of Beryl or with relays into the affected area of Beryl are asked to provide surface and damage reports into the VoIP Hurricane Net for relay into WX4NHC, the Amateur Radio station at the National Hurricane Center. We appreciate any and all support from Amateur Operators in the affected area or Amateur Operators with relays into the affected area. We are looking for reports based on the National Weather Service SKYWARN Reporting criteria. This can be seen on the VoIP Hurricane Net web site at the following link:

Any pictures or videos of wind damage, river/stream/urban/storm surge flooding etc. can be sent to our voipwxnet Facebook and Twitter feeds or the following email address: pics@nsradio.org and credit will be given to the Amateur Radio Operator, weather spotter or individual that took the photos and media and be shared with the Amateur Radio team at the National Hurricane Center and other agencies and outlets.

Advisories on Beryl can be seen off of the Atlantic Tropical Products menu selection on the voipwxnet web site, via our Facebook and Twitter feeds, and off the National Hurricane Center web site via the following link:

Reports as obtained via the VoIP Hurricane Net from Amateur Radio Operators in the affected area, relays from the affected area or from APRS/CWOP Weather Station feeds and other social media outlets can be found at the following link:

APRS, Winlink, AllStar, Hamshack Hotline resources that can be monitored are as follows:
APRS kc5fm-9
Winlink KC5FM
Allstar 28848
Echolink KC5FM-R 906281
Hamshack Hotline 94032
DMR TGIF 31207
P25 31207
Yaesu Fusion 31207
M17-SUN module A

Stations outside the affected area that do not have relays into the affected area who would like to listen into the VoIP Hurricane Net can use any of the following systems for listen-only purposes and can connect on either Echolink or IRLP:
*NEW-ENG3* Echolink conference node: 9123/IRLP 9123
*SKY_GATE* Echolink conference node: 868981/IRLP 9252
*KC4QLP-C* Echolink conference node: 290251
*ARERT* Echolink conference node: 902723 (Also bridged to Allstar on Node 273660 and on the YCS311 C4FM Server at http://c4fm.mntrbo.net ID:74)
*WASH_DC* Echolink conference node: 6154

These two streaming audio feeds should be available. Those streaming audio feeds are as follows:
Streaming feed 1: -Provided by KC4QLP-Bob Carter
Streaming feed 2: http://radio.arert.net:8000/ARERT -Provided by the ARERT conference owners and sysops
Streaming feed 3: https://www.broadcastify.com/listen/feed/38868 -Provided by the ARERT conference owners and sysops

Video streams will be provided by ARERT if they find video feeds from the affected area and will have audio from the hurricane net on it. Those streams are below:
Video stream feed 1: https://www.twitch.tv/pp93news
Video stream feed 2: https://dlive.tv/ARERT
Special thanks to N0VZC-Mike Norrbom and the ARERT sysops for their support of these feeds.

Please note that there could be additional listen only nodes and streaming feeds. If time allows, this info will be updated via the voipwxnet web site and social media feeds.

The VoIP Hurricane Net Management team continues to closely watch Hurricane Beryl. Thanks to all for their continued support of the VoIP Hurricane Net!

Director of Operations for the VoIP Hurricane Net