Observed (mo/day/year): SEP/14/2018
Observation time: 1415 UTC; 1015 AM Eastern
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Geographic Location of Observation:
Latitude: ; Longitude:
Wind Measurements: Measured
Sustained Wind Speed: MPH
Gust Speed: MPH
Wind Direction: N degrees
Barometric Pressure: MILLIBARS
Measured Rainfall: INCHES
Comments: Rainfall Reports:
Surf City, NC: 14.20" of rain (Rapid Deployment Gauge from USGS)
Wilmington, NC: 17.27" of rain (Rapid deployment gauge from USGS)
Wrightsville, Beach, NC: 18.56" of rain (Rapid Deployment Gauge from USGS)
Calabash, NC: 12.75" of rain (CW0803)
W4INK-William -
Shell station at Cardinal at Eastwood in Wilmington, NC college acres section - major damage to gas station canopy ripped off, gas pumps damage, gas station sign blown over
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